Craig and Barbara Barrett Political Science Scholarship

The Liberal Arts and Sciences campus of the Arizona State University offers its scholarship that aims to help undergraduate students of Political Science progress attain academic excellence. The scholarship have been named in honor of Craig R. Barret and Barbara McConnell Barrett, two distinguished late members of the Liberal...
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AAUW is financing women education and researches.

AAUW is an organization motivated to empower women since 1881, one of its many actions it’s to offer international scholarships for degrees or researches programs at the US to women who aren’t citizens. Applicants must have a bachelor degree, (it won’t matter if it is from an online college)...
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Win a Public Health Master Degree completely free.

Public Health is getting to everyplace on earth growing life expectancy. It is helping to improve our life, decreasing and eradicating diseases. All its sectors (communicable diseases; water, sanitation and hygiene; reproductive health; environmental health; …) are working together to increase life expectancy up to 30 years since 1900....
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$2,000 – $2,500 Sam and Ida Turken Family Scholarship

The Business W.P. Carey School of Business is one of the United States’ foremost learning institution of higher education. As part of the Arizona State University, the scholarship offers innovative and far-reaching teaching methodology that makes a splash both in the life of its graduates. These innovations include online...
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$500 Business Faculty Emeritus Memorial Scholarship

The School of Business Faculty is now awarding students across various academic levels with scholarships to the tune of $500 in grant money. The scholarship fund was established in honor of deceased faculty members. The Arizona State University is one the most renowned educational institutions offers myriad opportunities for...
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International Merit Scholarships at Dominican University of California

Located in San Rafael, California, the Dominican University of California is a non-profit university founded in 1890 by the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael. The university is currently offering scholarships to International undergraduate students admitted for the fall 2017 and spring 2018 academic year. The university is distributing the...
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$1,500 Gary S. Clancy Memorial Scholarship

Now, student grants are up for grabs for students of workers at the Office Solutions Equipment in the State of Arizona. Prospective applicants may bag as much as $1,500 in money that will be contributed towards the students’ degree program of choice. In order to apply for the student...
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$500-2,000$ Scholarships with Mel and Marty Zajac Memorial Grants

The Mel & Marty Zjac Scholarship was established in 1987 and is intended to aid students who want to pursue an undergraduate degree in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University (ASU) Applicants have time by Friday, September 15, 2017 to submit their applications for the...
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The $4000 Non-Resident Scholarship at the University of Massachusetts, Boston

Renowned for its model of excellence to which urban public universities rightfully relate to, the University of Massachusetts is opening its gates to outstanding students offering them a variety of scholarship options. Due to its academic excellence and the variety of scholarship programs, university’s legacy is continued by a...
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