Author: admin

Apply for $8000 PhD Scholarship at Capella University

Are you currently in a business-related field? Are you the owner of your own business, or perhaps a project manager for a company? Do you foresee your potential career opportunities in your current position? Do you believe that postgraduate education can increase your promotion possibilities and help you achieve...
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Get $1000 through Arts for Life! Award

What are you passionate about? Do you doodle every now and then or draw when inspiration hits you on any surface? Do you have a drawer full of pages with doodles written all over it? How about post its or notepad that has snippets or quotes? Do you like...
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Financed postgraduate and Ph.D. Programs at Ghent University

Have you decided on a career and field of interest? Have you taken your master’s and are pursuing your Ph.D.? Do you want a chance at a financed Ph.D.? Then consider Ghent University. Ghent University is an internationally-recognized university in Flanders, Belgium. With its 200 years of experience, it...
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Basics of International Ph.D. programs

Are you a self-driven student who is interested in studies abroad? Did you finish your bachelor’s degree without issues and have taken your master’s degree to further your education? What are your plans now and what will be your next step? Some of the reason why students choose to...
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Get a $10,000 Scholarship to Study Journalism

Do you have a passion for writing? Then you might want to pursue in an offline or online degree in journalism. Journalism at the undergrad level prepares students for careers as journalists and provides a general education about journalism in news media, press, radio and online. Luckily, there are...
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Bursaries For Students Who Want to Study Architecture

Are you passionate about architecture and you dream of becoming an architect? Then you must enroll with a college that provides this specialization. Now the question is whether you have the necessary money for college or not. If you don’t, don’t get discouraged, just don’t! Architecture offline or online...
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Best Scholarships for Students with Learning Disabilities

Common learning issues such as dyslexia, dysgraphia or attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) are often impediments in pursuing a higher education. These difficulties often manifest in the classroom early on and lead to low scores in standardized tests. But some universities are aware that students suffering from learning disabilities...
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3 Great Full Ride Scholarships to Rid You of Financial Worry

If you’re looking to enroll with an offline or online degree for the first time or are you looking to further your education, the first thing you need to consider is cost. Tuition fees are on the rise, but luckily there are steps you can take to get your...
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How to Study in Asia for Free

Have you ever wanted to study abroad, but you never thought your dream could come true? Well with the help of institutions like the Freeman Foundation, students in the US are offered the opportunity to go study in a foreign country. Living abroad for a few years will change...
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