
South Africa Enters the Competition for the Harvard Fellowship Program

Initiated by President Derek Bok in 1979, the Harvard Fellowship Program represented an answer to all the limitations and disadvantages of how resources were allocated in South Africa back then and the laws protecting them. The program was established, and currently still is, for mid-career professionals whose academic endeavor meets similar disadvantages. The Fellowship has been continuing under a different president named Drew Faust and it strives to expand its reach to institutions and organizations across South Africa in an effort to draw a wide range of potential candidates.

While being admitted at Harvard is indeed a reason of pride, winning a Fellowship at Harvard marks the beginning of a blossoming future where new doors will open for the awardees. The fellowship provides for payment of one year of study in one of Harvard’s Professional Schools or Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. The tuition waivers will be provided by the School once the fellows are admitted.

Additionally, a stipend is provided and airfare by the Office of the President, and administered by the Center for African Studies, under the directorship of Professor John Mugane.  Fellows South Africans will be selected based on their skills in their chosen fields. A full list of the fellowship programs that are offered by the university can be accessed at this link /https://africa.harvard.edu/admission-harvard. Hence, in order to be selected as finalists, students must first apply and receive admission to their specific Harvard program for the next year. For example, in case students apply for a fellowship during the 2018 application cycle and are selected as awardees, they must apply for admission to their program for the next year of 1919 – 1920.

Students are advised to carefully read the descriptions of the programs and the eligibility criteria. No matter which program is chosen, students are advised to apply directly to the selected eligible degree program. The application timeline is as follows:

  • On Dec 1st 2017; Harvard South Africa Fellowship opened
  • On April 4th 2018; Harvard South Africa Fellowship DUE
  • On May 2nd until May 17th ; Applications are reviewed by program staff
  • On early June 2018; Applicants will be notified if they have been selected for an interview
  • On July 11th until 15th 2018; Expected timing for interviews in South Africa
  • On August 2018; Interview candidates are notified if they have been selected as a Harvard South Africa Fellow finalist
  • On Sept 2018 – Dec 2018; Finalists apply directly to the Harvard Program they are interested in attending.

We wish everyone the best of luck!

  1. Hi do you provide online courses for distant learners?
    Am 50 years old do i stand a chance in your university?
    Do you have education courses for IB teachers?

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