
Doctoral Research Studentships at King’s Business School in UK, 2018

Accredited schools online are quite markedly gaining traction. There is little denial to this. Degree programs are now omnipresent, but what perhaps not all of us realise today is that degree programs can be taken both online and offline. This is quite the revelation.

If you were wondering how to advance your studies, you should perhaps prepare yourselves for a handful of rather hard, but straightforward answers. It is true – degree programs have been proliferating online. Surprising as this may sound, almost outlandish even, it is true that things have never been as easy as that. You go online and sign up for a degree. What could be greater? Well, now a logical question follows.

Where exactly do we take these degrees? Just what are those accredited schools online everybody seems to be talking about. Well, in layman’s terms, accredited schools online are just that – schools that have received certification to teach online. They dispense with a lot of the everyday boredom of the classroom and replace it with the tedium of, well, wherever it is you are living. There are more boons, certainly, to studying online – not having to commute or worry about accommodation. Those are not really negligible aspects.

Now, let us consider something more tangible. Perhaps the King’s Business School scholarship that is now available to apt students is tantalizing enough. It comes with a hefty financial support to the tune of GBP16,553. You should not overlook this.

Students are entitled to GBP16,553 in stipend money as well as some teaching and mark activities in the School.

In order to qualify, students will need to be EU or International students, which pretty much covers it all. Applicants must have made it through the initial round of application requirements. It is also advisable that applicants have a member of academic staff to go over their research proposals. The deadlines vary, but as a rule of thumb, all applications will need to be submitted by 25 January 2018.

Make sure to make the most out of this great scholarship offer. Doctoral degree cannot really be studied online and it is because of this precisely, that you, as a diligent researcher, should be striving towards landing a great scholarship altogether.

  1. I am much intereted in the scholarship to pursue my phD in strategy and organisation for the year 2018 .I need the application form.

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