
The Google Africa PhD Fellowship program for 2018

Google wants to tackle the most challenging issues in Computer Science and other related fields and needs brilliant students! While Google is renowned for being a search engine whose presence is indispensable to everyone’s lives, it has also developed a complementary side. For Google is crucial to nurture and maintain strong relations with the academic community. With this purpose, the Google Africa PhD Fellowship Program has been created. The aim of this Fellowship is to support and recognize brilliant students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. degree in computer science and related areas. The Fellowship is calling now for applications until January 19th 2018, 11:59 pm GMT. Here is what you should know about it.

Based on students’ level of education, Google divides the Fellowships so that Master’s students, professionals and Ph.D. students from Africa will have the possibility to win and enjoy the benefits of the program. Ph.D. students must be enrolled into a full-time program at one African University. The category of awardees extends, as applicants who are currently in their first year of a part-time Ph.D. program and transfer to full-time positions are welcome to apply. The Fellowships however are limited when it comes to accepting Ph.D. students who have been into more than 1 year of their Ph.D. program. Only candidates who are pursuing programs in the fields of Computer Science or related areas can apply.

For the Undergraduate, Master’s students and professionals, grant of the fellowship to this category is contingent on them joining a full-time Ph.D. program at an African University within the calendar year of the award. Professionals must be employed or affiliated with an organization registered in Africa. The full list of eligibility criteria for all the categories can be accessed here https://research.google.com/research-outreach.html?#/research-outreach/africa/graduate-fellowships Applications are accepted directly from students. The number of applications from students is limitless. Students can choose from the following list which contains all the areas of research interest: https://research.google.com/

Which are the documents students should gather?

  • The resume which should contain link to publications, if available;

  • One-page resume of the advisor of the Ph.D. students;

  • Available transcripts (mark sheets) starting from first year/ semester of Bachelor’s degree to date;

  • Research proposal;

  • 3 letters of recommendations from those familiar with the applicant’s work.

The application form can be found here https://cseduapplication.withgoogle.com/applications/phdfellowshipafrica2018/create-application/edit. In case students are interested to find more about the fellowship, they can address their questions at [email protected].

  1. Thanks for this opportunity. I am a Liberian Educator. Please help me obtain a scholarship to study Educational Leadership to obtain a PHD

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