
Things to look out for when it comes to identifying Scholarship Scammers

Winning a scholarship can be the best positive turnaround that might happen to you, indeed. It can change your future in an instant allowing you to pursue your academic endeavor and build a blossoming future. However, winning a scholarship can be a demanding process due to all the documents you need to provide and the additional tests you need to take. The less demanding seems the submission process the more suspicious should be. While this is one single tell-tale sign that the scholarship you have been awarded might be a scam, there are others you need to look out for. Let’s see what I am talking about.

A large processing fee and a small award

When the scholarship provider offers a scholarship which is smaller than the processing fee, it should make you think. When you see this, most probably, the provider awards the scholarship only for the purpose of collecting money. Reputable universities and even private sponsors hardly charge a fee however if the fees are charged the amount is considerable smaller in comparison with the established scholarships amount.

An announcement that you have won an award for which you did not apply

As excited as you may be from hearing such tremendous news, you need to weigh your options. Never will you receive a scholarship for which you did not apply. If you receive an email or even a phone call where you are announced that you have won a scholarship from an organization you have never heard of, it is best that you ignore the email or end the conversation. Allowing the scammer to enthusiast you even more will not be a benefit for you.

Companies mentioning they do all the work for you

Applying for a scholarship is an individual task and involves you 100%. You do not need to assign anyone else to help you in this matter. If a company requests compensation to apply for a scholarship on behalf of you ponder on it a little bit. Do you think that all the tests and requirements established by the providers are for nothing? No. They are meant to test your creativity and beyond; and it also provides valuable outcome for you. So, it is best that you do it yourself. The satisfaction is bigger when your personal work is rewarded.

If you know any other tell-tale signs about identifying scholarship scammers, leave us a comment! Spreading knowledge in this matter is crucial.


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