
Skye Foundation Offers Ph.D. Scholarships in South Africa

Established in 1997 by the Zylstra Family Trust, the Skype Foundation has been involved in supporting young and promising Ph.D. students in South Africa and abroad. Thus, annually, a certain number of scholarships go to South African Ph.D. students who have distinguished themselves academically and have been nominated for consideration by faculty Deans.

The Skye Foundation works with the Cambridge Trust and their collaboration aims to reward talented students in any academic subject. The Trust was built in 2013 with the fusion of Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and Cambridge Overseas Trust both founded in the ‘80 by Cambridge. Since then, the Trust has been supporting more than 15.000 students to enjoy the benefits of study at one of the most prepared universities in the world. The Trust receives annual funding from the University, from Trinity College, Cambridge Assessment, and also from many other Colleges and Departments.

Students who wish to submit their applications for a Skye Cambridge Scholarship are encouraged to use the Trust’s scholarship search https://www.cambridgetrust.org/scholarships/ to retrieve all the awards they are eligible for. The application deadline for graduate students for the 2018 academic year is December 6th 2017 and January 4th 2018. In order to apply for a graduate study, students must check the closing dates for the classes they wish to enroll in. Furthermore, besides respecting the closing date for the chosen program, in order to be considered for funding, they must complete the Funding Section in the online Applicant Portal. The Applicant Portal can be retrieved here https://www.graduate.study.cam.ac.uk/applicant-portal Students will need to create, submit, and pay for their applications of study.

UK, International or European students must respect the same time frames as there are no differential of deadlines for applications. Before proceeding any further with the scholarship application, students are advised to go to the official website of the University of Cambridge and select the course they want to fathom. While winning a fully funded Skye Cambridge scholarship is enticing, students must not dismiss the eligibility criteria established by the foundation and university itself. The University of Cambridge has established the general admission criteria as well as the specific admission criteria for each and every course. If students do not comply with them, they should not apply and rather focus on the programs where they might be proficient.

We wish everyone the best of luck and a great inspiration while submitting their applications!


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