
Brandeis University – Opportunities for International Students in the US

Brandeis University based in Waltham, Massachusetts, has been a warm place for international students since its beginning in 1948. 10 years later, the commitment to providing support to the international community was enhanced in 1958 with the establishment of the Wien International Scholarship Program. The program is an extensive grant which awards outstanding students based on their financial needs and academic merit.

Consequently, Brandeis University is helping students offering them valuable opportunities without which they would not have the possibility to advance their education. Brandeis University has a wide spectrum of financial alternatives for undergraduate students who will study at Brandeis. Some of them are:

The Wein International Scholarship program is awarded to students from across the world since 1958 when it was established. The program meets the full financial needs of each recipient and covers the plane ticket for one round-trip between the US and the home country of the student. For more info about the program, students can visit the official website https://www.brandeis.edu/isso/about/wien/index.html

The Davis United World College Scholars Program awards a $10.000 grant annually from the Shelby Davis Foundation to any graduate of one of the United World Colleges who proves financial need and receives a place at Brandeis.

Israeli Scholarship is a program aimed to honor students with demonstrated academic excellence, contributions to school and community and promise for continued personal growth. Israeli Scholarship is dedicated to applicants from Israel qualified for financial assistance. The scholarship will cover the tuition of one student. Entrants will have to submit their CSS/ Financial Aid profile and their supporting financial documents but they will not have to submit a separate form for the scholarship. For more info about completing the CSS profile and supporting financial documents, students can consult the following website /https://www.brandeis.edu/admissions/apply/international.html

Richard and Barbara Silverman Endowed Scholarship is a program meant to enhance educational opportunities for Israeli students. Outstanding Israeli students who reside in Israel and demonstrate financial need will be considered for this scholarship. As well, students will have to submit the CSS/ Financial Aid Profile and the supporting financial documents and they do not need to submit a separate request for the scholarship.

Each scholarship has its own established rules of admission which is why students are advised to consult them based on their individual preferences and matches with the programs.

For more info about the programs, students are advised to consult the official website /https://www.brandeis.edu/admissions/financial/scholarships.html

  1. Am well pleased to hear of your scholarship offers, I would like to obtain a scholarship in the study of sociology of education.thanks in advance.

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