
Are you good at design? Then you could win a $10,000 grant

Love creating your own designs? Then this scholarship is for you

Students who spend their free time designing objects, can apply for this scholarship for a chance to win a $10,000 scholarship

Christmas is coming and it’s the time of the year when it’s considered nice to send out greeting cards to family and friends. If you’re the creative, artsy type you probably love doing that. And here’s another reason to get extra busy with creating greeting cards this holiday season. You could be sitting on a chance to win a scholarship.

If you are a student who is contemplating a traditional or online college degree, this article is for you. Whether you’re mulling over the benefits of online education or the traditional one, you still need money to pay for college. It’s the ugly truth – but getting a college degree with cost you and it will cost you big. Sure online college degree programs have the reputation of being a bit more accessible, but that doesn’t mean they come for free. Online education might be gentler on your pocket, but you’ll still have to access that bank account of yours.

That’s where scholarships for education come into the equation. Fortunately, a lot of universities and foundations are aware that not everyone can pay the high college tuition on their own. So they want to help by awarding scholarships.

Now going back to that greeting card passion of yours. The Gallery Collection is known to award a hefty $10,000 scholarship to a student who designs the best greeting card and submits it until March 1st, 2018.

All you need to do is submit an original photo, artwork or a computer generated design of the front of a greeting card and you’ll automatically be entered in the competition that will ultimately award a $10,000 scholarship.

Applicants need to be at least 14 years of age and enrolled in High School, College, University or homeschooled.

A panel of judges will go through the entries and select approximately 100 designs on a monthly basis. These will be posted on Facebook and the Gallery Collection community will be asked to vote.

Not only will the winner be awarded a 10K bursary, but their school will also get a $1,000 scholarship. It sounds pretty good.

If you think you have what it takes go ahead and submit your designs to the Gallery Collection website. You will also need to fill out some information about yourself including name, date of birth, city of residence and the name of the school you’re currently attending.

We feel we should point this out – this is a pretty generous scholarship. You see most funding programs will usually offer between $1,000 and $3,000. But The Gallery Collection will award you $10,000. So if you’re one of those creative spirts, put your imagination to good use and try designing a greeting card the best you can.

Then submit it in the hopes that it will be picked by the panel of judges. If you win, it means you’ll be able to enroll in college next year without the having to deal with the financial burden. So you’ll be able to concentrate on your studies and that’s what really matters.



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