
Some Free Online Classes You Might Want to Consider that Will Enhance your Knowledge

Are you at the beginning of your career or already a senior? It does not matter as long as learning and experiencing new fields of study are motivating you. Are you looking for a new job and gaining a unique set of skills that will set you apart from thousands of other applicants is what you are looking for momentarily? Specifically, if improving yourself constantly is your “credential” then you might want to check the following list of FREE ONLINE courses.

None of these will take you more than 10 weeks to complete so that you will be able, by the end of the year, to fill your resume with a new set of skills your gained. So, if you are looking to improve your writing skills so necessarily if you want to secure a grant for writers or if you want to learn thoroughly and apply the tools of online marketing, check the following list of free online classes.

Journalism for Social Change , offered by edX

The above mentioned course is taught by Daniel Heimpel, a Berkley’s professor, and is aimed to teach students how to make use of journalism and media as an implement of social change.

Mini Grammar Tests, offered by Udemy

Mini Grammar Tests is suitable for those who wish to improve their English skills and make fewer grammar mistakes when taking tests in English. Securing a scholarship which subsidizes a program taught in English cannot be done otherwise but by mastering thoroughly English.

Journalism Skills for Engaged Citizens, offered by Coursera

The above mentioned course is designed by instructors from the University of Melbourne and is aimed to teach students the basics of news writing, how to interview people to gain crucial information, how to develop their own sources, and how to use their legal rights to have access to public info.

Online Advertising offered by Open2Study

If students are interested to find more about major digital platforms, mobile search and social media and how online ads are priced and delivered, they can access the Online Advertising free course offered by Open2Study. The course is designed to teach students how to set realistic and measurable campaign objectives, how to identify the steps in digital campaign planning and many more.

Coursera, Udemy, edX, Udacity, Codeacademy, Alison and many other platforms are providing a wide array of free online courses for people across the world interested to gain new set of skills for themselves or future jobs.


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