
Have an average grades? You can still apply to get this $5,000 scholarship

Students with an average academic record can still get scholarships

Worried you won’t be able to get a scholarship due to your less than stellar academic record? You shouldn’t, as grants for average students are a thing

Students of traditional or online university programs, you probably know this already. The majority of scholarships are awarded to students with an outstanding academic record. But what about people who boast average grades? Are they to lose hope of ever enrolling with a university online degree or a traditional one?

Our firm opinion is that they should not. You see, there are plenty scholarship providers who target average students. These grants are more often than not awarded by companies, individuals or non-profit organizations who have also benefited from money grants in the past. Perhaps they received it when no one else would believe in them and now they want to do the same. Nevertheless, scholarship for average students looking to enroll with an offline or online university are a reality. So if you too are thinking of getting your university online degree or traditional one funded, maybe you’d like to check out these scholarships which don’t require having a GPA of 4.0 and up to apply.

The Future Leaders of IT scholarship is open to high school seniors or college students who are currently enrolled with a degree in the following subjects: information engineering, information management or a related academic discipline.

The scholarship is worth $2,000 and in order to get your hands on it you will have to send in copies of your most recent high school or college transcripts and a total of three letters of recommendations from teachers or persons who you’ve worked in past with.

Last but not least, you’re required to write an essay (1,000 words minimum) in which you explain why you are passionate about the field of information engineering or management and provide details about your future career path.


Dedicated to the AIDS educator and activist, Pedro Zamora, the Young Leaders Scholarship awards a $5,000 grants to students passionate about raising awareness about the AIDS pandemic.

The scholarship accepts entries from high school seniors and college students who are 27 or younger who can demonstrate an active role in fighting AIDS, as well as interest in continuing to make a difference as public figures after their college graduation.

In order to apply students are required to send in a brief personal statement detailing a leadership plant designed to fight against the AIDS pandemic. An essay no longer than 1,500 words in which you reflect about certain topics like the ways in which your life has been affected by this condition, also has to be submitted.

At least one letter of recommendation from a teacher or a program coordinator should also be part of the documents you send it. Last but not least, a recent school transcript which demonstrate a minimum 2.5GPA overall is also required.

Once you get all these documents together you can submit them for a chance to be awarded a $5,000 grant. 10 grants will be offered in total.


  1. Hello, I am a Kenyan and am in need of a scholarship. I have an average points of 6 and would like to pursue business management. Am looking forward to hearing your positive response

  2. Hie Im Mbonge Mthimkhulu I did my high school advanced level last year . Im looking for a university admission outside africa and a scholarship can you help

  3. Please I have gained admission to New York Film Academy but I don\’t have the said amount for my tuition .Can you please help ?

  4. I am Ngusa moses from Tanzania,I would like to thanks a lot ,those who supporting each other in term of education so as to develop an educated generation..though am still doing my high school education with science,with God willings,,i will apply for abroad studies in the year 2019 for degree education
    Great thanks

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