
Arizona’s State University Regents High Honors Endorsement Online Scholarship

Arizona State University (ASU) is the perfect place if you wish to undertake online classes lectured by illustrious and brilliant teachers. From Nobel Laureates, Fulbright scholars to Pulitzer Prize winners, your learning experience is in good hands. Their professionalism is mirrored in the high-quality education they are providing and triggers a growing number of online students each and every year. At ASU, the online courses are lectured with a direct connection to the expertise of your teachers so that during studying and after graduation you will convert the information into applicable knowledge.

The University believes that each and every student should benefit of high-quality education regardless his/ her background. However, it is of paramount importance that students should constantly strive to improve themselves. For these types of students, ASU is offering the Regents High Honors Endorsement Online Scholarship. It is commonly referred to as the “RHHE” scholarship. Provided by Arizona’s Board of Regents, the scholarship is aimed to help students who have outstanding academic achievements and who are constantly trying to go beyond their limits.

IMPORTANT NOTE! Do not apply if you have not graduated from an Arizona high school you are not considered eligible. If you are a former high school student of Arizona and apply at ASU, you will be evaluated for RHHE or other scholarship offered by ASU. You will be awarded the highest dollar value scholarship you are eligible for.

The RHHE’ s value is 25% of the bases resident tuition amount in your first year. This amount will not change during the eight semesters of eligibility toward any undergraduate degree program. However, you may risk losing it in case you are not learning and making progress toward your degree. Regarding ASU’s online degrees, you must now that are extremely effective, flexible and smart. Compared with other online classes, ASU’s are engaging and extremely interactive so that you will enjoy the freedom given by studying online mixed with the interactivity of the offline classes.

You do not have to worry if you opt for studying online at ASU. The university is committed to help its students and encourage them to strive only for the best! The scholarship comes in pair with an abundant academic environment focused on knowledge and research toward understanding and solving the most pressing issues and challenges society faces.

If you think ASU can back you up, we highly advise you to consult its website here https://scholarships.asu.edu/scholarship/1731 and read more about its scholarships and about the benefits you are being offered once you register as an online student at Arizona State University.


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