
Study in USA at the University of Houston

The University of Houston is located in Texas, United States. The University has been dedicated to increasing access to higher education via their scholarship program. This has lead them to create a scholarship board – International Student Merit Scholarship. This scholarship is meant for undergraduate and post graduate programs offered by the University of Houston.

The primary aim of this scholarship program is to financially assist students who lack the financial capacity to fund their higher education in the United States. Mostly targeted are international students who can’t sponsor their education abroad.

Those who wish to enhance their career in the Teaching Industry are expected to apply for this scholarship as this would invariably help them in their chosen career course. So if you are already in the teaching field or wish to be a teacher, hop on the scholarship wagon let’s move on.

Eligible Courses: With this scholarship, you can study any course of your choice offered by the University of Houston. This scholarship includes all teaching courses offered by the University of Houston. So if you are a teacher with just high school certificate or intending to be a teacher, you are not left out of this scholarship.

Scholarship Worth: The scholarship will cover applicant’s tuition and fees. Other costs such as, meals, personal expenses, transportation, housing, supplies, books, and health insurance are not included in this scholarship.

Eligible applicants: The good news about this scholarship is the fact that it is not limited to any country neither is it excluding any country. This means that all international student are eligible to apply for this scholarship. This is so fascinating right? Yes it is.

Eligibility: However, applicants must meet some criteria and also possess some documents in order to be deemed eligible for this scholarship offered by the University of Houston. Kindly visit their website for full scholarship requirement. (Link found below)

Language Requirements: The minimum English language requirement must be attained by interested candidates in order to be able to study in The University of Houston, UK.

Scholarship deadline:
There is no much time left to apply for this scholarship. The application deadline for next semester is November 15th, 2017. So if you are interested in this scholarship, start preparing the required documents for this scholarship and hop on board for the journey of advancing your career in your chosen field at the University of Houston.

Scholarship Site:
Kindly visit the following link to see the full criteria for this scholarship. Their online application form can also be found at the same link. Cheers!


  1. I am in Liberia and don\’t have money to study.can you pls help me I will do my best.I am from poor family.I need to study to help my county.Pls help me I just have my high school papers. Helped me I need to Learn. Thanks

  2. May I know these required documents and how I may go about this application process. I think this\’s God given opportunity and I beg for your quick guidance on how to apply. Thanks

  3. I\’m may wants to become a specialist in chemistry so that due to the lack of good chemist\’s teachers in my country.. I would be happy even if I become a teacher!!

  4. Hi ! I\’m Jonathan K. Mansaray from the third world of west africa a country with little or chanceless opportunity.. Really to my thoughts of understanding am an orphan of which I have finish high school, hoping to enter university but unfortunately am not having the fund to paid my fees pls I may wants you to accept me & award me this great scholarship of yours to achieved my goal of becoming a medical doctor.. I pray & I hope that Jesus Christ will make the way for me. A losts I never can known!!

  5. I am Ekatapan Ekiru John how may I get this scholorship since I want to pursue in bachelor of science(Applied Statistics with IT) Kenyan.

  6. Hello,I\’ m David Rutembesa from Rwanda,I have finished the high school I want to continue my studies in abroad especially USA so I hop that it will be possible in Jesus I trust!

  7. Hello mr or miss how r u ? I hope fine ,my name karwan im 35years old from kurdstan-irarq,im married i have 2 children ,i have a bachelor science in medical laboratory department graduated from colleage of technology(kirkuk technical colleage) my wife has a bachelor science in psychology,i employed in ahospital im working in it ,i tried many time to get master degree here but because of war situation i couldnt do it ,in fact we decide to immigrate out of iraq because life is so dangerous here ,we want To live iraq we r be greatful to you if u help us ,how can we do that ?can u councelate us please .thanks for your time to read my messeage &your time.

  8. They are money good ways of having money and starts or needs to make money…but that only happens through education… I may be apart from my family but what matters is my education

  9. I am LAMINE THIAM l live in senegal .l am 20 years old and studying different languages. In addition m majoring at communication.so after all I wish to broaden my horizons to USA in order to enhance my English skill to be one day a man of eminent good sense.

  10. I am Ambrose S. Nollen from Liberia.
    This has been my dream to study abroad most especially with the Houston University. I hold BA in Secondary Education and want to further my study at the Master level with Houston University in the USA. I need a help from philanthropists to facilitate my stay in the US to obtain my masters degree.

  11. I will be happy of being selected among those who may join there for further studies in nursing degree and financial aid.This moment i\’m working as a Registerd Nurse in my country.

  12. I want join any uniiversity in America.
    I have Bsc in IT.
    My CGPA=3.08
    And I want to earn Msc in Networking.
    Thank you!

  13. I can\’t wait to apply, this scholarship is my dream, but when I click the link it says that the page can not be found

  14. Am a Ghanaian currently living. In Turkey I will like to. Start my career as teacher I was teaching at kinbu senior high and technical school I will like to upgrade my level of teaching as metal work instructor and work shop processing and practical instructor am a holder of Graduate diploma in mechanical engineering from Engineering council UK thanks a lot I hope my application will be considered

  15. Hello sir/mam, i am 17 years old an undergraduate Nepali student.I am willing to go abroad for my further study.But a am not financially stable. I am a hardworking and sincere student. How should i apply for your scholarship? I am willing to study medical science in the near future. I am seeking for this sort of scholarship. Thank you.

  16. frist of all i thanks you a lot to give like this wonderful chanse for the warld students then if you give me this chanse i will use my exprience and give good thing for the warld

  17. please give me this chance for study in your country to change my self and the warld also thanks you a lot for you are thinking broadcasting for the world student

  18. Hello. I was apply your University. I have sponser in Texas please give me chance I will change my life and my family I live in abstract life because of their is not a good payment!!!!!!!! I help my mom . thanks GOD bless you and your family!!!!!!

  19. am so much interested in this.am praying I get this offer to make my dream of advancing in my career a reality..seeing myself in the UK acquiring that good education would be my dream come true.

  20. Hi I\’m Beken Fethi ,I\’m from Ethiopia and I really want to study psychology in the university of Houston

  21. I am currently a teacher at Kakuma Refugee Secondary school teaching physics and Chemistry. I am a South Sudanes national residing in Kakuma, Kenya as a Refugee. I am unable to pay my university fee hence I am in dare need of financial support in pursuing my career as a professional teacher.

  22. Currently l work in mesfin industrial engineering Ethiopia as machine operator. i learning by mechanical engineering 2nd year in Mekelle university(arid pampas) I enter know summer so I won like to study in USA at the university of Houston

  23. hi am mkala from kenya and needs scholarship assistance in achieving my dreams in masters of mathematics

  24. Hello,I am Billy from Kenya.I completed my high school education last year and passed equally well.I have had a natural liking and a passion for studying aviation but I\’m not able to raise the fee.Kindly consider my application if the course is offered here.Regards.

  25. I wish to read a course in entomology as a postgraduate in order to be a lecturer. l currently completed my undergraduate programme (BSc Agriculture Education) but not yet graduated. l hope l will be considered for your awarding scholarships.
    Thank you so much.

  26. सर हम समझ नही पा रहे है कि हम इससे संबंधित सारी प्रकिया कैसे एवम कहाँ पूरा करें

  27. I am a Form 6 student in Zimbabwe doing Maths, Physics and Chemistry. I would like to study Medicine or Chemical Engineering.Can I be considered please.

  28. I\’m a 46 years old lady with a Abet Diploma+Ace Certificate and currently in my first year of BED in Unisa so would be very much interested in studying abroad just to expand my horizons.I\’m very ready to relocate any time.

  29. Hey I am Kalkidan Addisu from Ethiopia and I am a grade 12th student in social science department, And I want to get this scholarship please how can apply it??

  30. It is obvious that education great weapon in eradicating or reducing social,political and economic problems of society. especially in Africa where most the society challenged with all dimensions of problems, the accessibility of education has a great gaps as compared western countries both in terms of quantity and quality of education with practicability earned capacity in reversing multiple problems of Africa. I personal have BA degree in sociology and Masters degree in Social work. As per I earned capacity from those education I am serving my society in Ethiopia prime minister office. still I have great eager learn my PhD education or other masters degree to be multi-professional.

  31. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful and heart lifting information on educational opportunity.
    I have being longing and praying for this golden opportunity, and I have been trying to get
    the real scholarship from an existing and recognized institution in the USA to give me this
    help. So it my earnest prayer and hope that this University of Huston will grand me this
    opportunity to study in the USA.

  32. Thax for the offer , and I you will go a long way to help international students attain the much required academic papers for development of their countries .
    And do offer on line courses more especially in the medical field , at diploma level eg public health ?

  33. Hello
    i will be so happy to be part of this opportunity you offer inorder for to further education and i really wish to get the scholarship inorder to study.

  34. I wish to study in there and develope my educational level being doctor if I get the chance
    of the scholarship

  35. Dear i am birhanu tamirat from Ethiopia which is found in eastern Africa under developed country. Just i hold my First degree in veterinary science (DVM). i have great financial problem which faced me challenge. I need further study MSc in veterinary public health, microbiology, veterinary epidemiology and other related course. Please help me i need full scholarship. I was applied last time. Please tell me dear i will mail documents.

    Best regards

    Birhanu tamirat

  36. I\’m happy to see your message, and I would like to apply. Thanks soo much and have a good morning.

  37. I\’m very much likely to study law because to help others people that can not able to define them self from thus people that want always to harm others

  38. l need a coarse in water and sanitation.Currently l work for Tonga at Hullet Zimbabwe as a plant operator.l have held this post for the last ten years.l wish if l could upgrade my skills and profession with an online distance learning. l hope you will also consider my application

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