
Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships: Up to 140,500 Australian Dolars for a Master in Australia

Have you ever thought of studying in Australia? The Australian Government offers scholarships to international students each year.

The Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships are administered by the Australian Government Education and Training Department. The scholarships aim to support education and research for Australian student who wish to study abroad and for international students who are interested in studying or doing research in Australia.

Application process is closed for 2017, but will begin in late April 2017 for the 2018 academic year.

Scholarships are available for students from North and South America, Middle East (Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Bahrain, Jordan, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates) and Europe. Applicants can find the complete list of countries eligible for these scholarships on the website.

There are six types of scholarships and fellowships available for international applicants:

  • The Postgraduate Scholarships is created for candidates interested in doctorate or master programs in any field of study.
  • The Vocational Education and Training (VET) Scholarship is intended for students who wish to obtain a diploma, advanced degree or associate degree in vocational education.
  • The Research Fellowship offers financial aid to postgraduate students interested in research programs.
  • The Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowship is dedicated to postgraduate students from Asia.
  • The Australia India Education Council (AIEC) Research Fellowship awards research grants to Indian postgraduate students.
  • The Executive Fellowship is not a study financial aid, but one that support professional development in business, education, industry or government for international professionals who have exceptional results.

Selected candidates will receive funds to support their travel expenses, their accomodation, a monthly stipend, health insurance and travel insurance. For example, for a 2-year long master program, the Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship can amount to 140,500 Australian Dolars, while the Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Scholarship, offered for a period betwen 1 and 2,5 years, can amount to $131,000.

Starting with 2007, 4481 Endeavour scholarships have been awarded to international students. After the completion of their programs, students become members of the Global Alumni Network.

You can find out more about the Endeavour scholarships here.

  1. am pursuing my bachelor degree of arts in economics kyambogo university Kampala Uganda. so which course for masters can I apply for because am soon getting done and I eagerly want to further my studies.

  2. Hey! My name is Ayela Denish Omule from Uganda,East Africa.I wish you would also consider people from East Africa and more so students from Northern Uganda a region in Uganda that was affected Lord Resistant Army (LRA) war led by Joseph Kony for over twenty two years.
    Thanks for your support towards education.

  3. Tembo Manasseh ( Rev.) in Uganda needs this scholarship. Master in Theology or Education are my areas of study.

  4. iam a serving teacher and i hold a BAEd Degree in LAL and HISTORY from the re-knowned Nkrumah University in Zambia. any scholarship for a masters in a related field will be fine for me since our degrees in Zambia have received minimal recognition in terms of salary upgrade. pls help us who are serving in the rural suburbs.

  5. I have decided to do Master Degree in Political Sience but since my age is growing older I think I will disqulified for this reason.
    But since that has been a dream of my life time I consider to have a try to submit my application.
    Therefore without hestitating I submit my application for that fund to sponsor my further education in Australia.
    Thank you in advance.

  6. I\’d like to study medicine in Europe next year 2018 I got admitted already for 2018 intake,due to financial fund a for my studies that I do not have please help me to direct me.the duration of my course is six years please help.
    Yours Faithfully
    Kasanga Abed

  7. Hi, my name is Gerald y. Kpprquah, a third year student at the University of Liberia majoring in Geology. However I would like to take advantage of the above mentioned scholarships to further my education.
    Kind regards
    Gerald Y. Gerald Y. Kporquah

  8. Hi , my name is Kwelana Kristian . I here by would like to claim the above mentioned fund for the student skolarship . I would like anyone online to direct me the way forward to get the funds .
    Thanks !

    Yours Faithful
    Mr Kristian

  9. Dear sponsors,I\’m Ongwara Moses a Ugandan graduate in education from Makererere university N I hold diploma in education from kyambogo university all in Kampala. I have majored in geography and history.
    However,due financial Nd insurgencies I\’m unable to achieve a masters course.
    I therefore, submit my request to your office for the Above support in my country since I have a wife And three children.
    Yours faithfully.
    Ongwara Moses
    Eastern Uganda

  10. I wish to appreciate you for the big heart you have in considering the less privileged in the world.
    I wish to request for a full scholarship in Australia in MBA.
    Can i be guided on the right procedure?. Am a Ugandan by Nationality.
    Thank you so much

  11. I want a scholarship on tropical forestry or related studies , I have an National diploma in forestry ,I am a Cameroonian, please give me guides

  12. I would like post graduated scholarship and i want to study i only graduted untill high school 10 grade i finnish i hope to study i have certifacte of it

  13. I would like to study in Australia for my Bachelor\’s Degree in Business Administration if this opportunity can be availed to me through a Scholarship. My desire is based and anchored on the fact that, for anyone to make a meaningful and positive contribution to national development, one needs to be first educated as this is the only way one would be able to make informed choices and decisions which are vital and paramount in national development and even at individual level.

  14. Please do you have a provision for theological trainingtraining scholarships?i would love to know thanks with much love, Stayblessed in christ Jesus

  15. Am glad to have this chance to request if i can be granted a scholarship abroad to further my studies please do consider me thanks in advance

  16. I want to pursue my master\’s degree abroad especially Australia but my only challenge is funding. I believe this scholarship will help me realise my dream. Thank you.

    Please, send me further guidelines on how to apply.

  17. please send me further instructions on how i can get a masters scholarship from you to study and research in Australia.

  18. iam interested to study in Australia if scholarship is provided for me to under take a masters in Agricultural Animal science or Economics.

  19. I no need funfs for study or scholarship i need any fund or money for my help to solve my difficulties of life l will return back money after one year . Thanks

  20. it is very unfortunate i got this scholarship information after closure. I would have loved to apply in the past applications. But then thank you for reminding me of the next one so that i can apply for it.

    Thank You .

  21. i want to do civil engineering degree .
    please help me to study full time course to achieve my dream of becoming a reliable civil engineer. m from poor family in zambia particularly kabonpo-Nwp. +260966898614/0955295932.
    Kennedy samba.

  22. I have an interest in full scholarship program, I graduated 3years ago In ICT but no job.
    I\’m a Kenyan,but willing to study In Australia
    In software engineering
    Thanks in advance for granting me the opportunity

  23. Im koech maclean kiget Thanks alot to whoever concern it\’s amazing good job for lighting the world thank you congratulations.

  24. My name is yared tareke from Ethiopia. i have first dgree in horticulture and now adays i am working in the first botanic garden. no body is experiance in such aspect. sothat, i want upgrade in landscape horticulture/amenuity horticulture…this abig problem in our botanic garden. i am eager for avaliabe reponse.

  25. I am happy for a Australian country and government, especially the people. Because of helping who are surfaring for poverty.Please help me finish MBA in Australia, be blessed.

  26. I want inform you , I am here in Tehran / Iran , and I Lose my job
    and really now I need a Work and some money .


  28. I would like to study in USA, I am conducting a Montessori and try to get an experience in this field, I am a Sri Lankan.help me

  29. Bonjour. Je suis un homme congolais de la république démocratique du Congo, âgé de 38 ans. Je suis un enseignant licencié en pédagogie appliquée de la PHYSIQUE. Je suis chrétien et je vis dans la ville de KISANGANI. Une autre précision est que je suis marié et père d\’une fillette de 4 ans.

    J\’ai beaucoup de projets mais je manque des moyens pour les mettre en oeuvre. C\’est pour cette raison que je m\’adresse à vous, pour solliciter une aide financière.

    – Le projet de la création d\’une école pour l\’ encadrement des enfants orphelins congolais. Nous aurons besoin d\’une somme de 20 000 dollars ( vingt milles dollars américains ) pour le début du projet.
    – Le projet d\’un centre de santé. Nous aurons besoin d\’une somme de 30 000 dollars (trente milles dollars américains ) pour le début du projet.
    – Le projet d\’une boulangerie pour l\’autosuffisance. Nous aurons besoin d\’une somme de 7 000 dollars (sept milles dollars américains ).

    Il convient de préciser que plus de 35% des enfants congolais abandonnent les études à cause de manque d\’argent, selon les statistiques des autorités de l\’éducation.
    Les enfants et même les adultes meurent des maladies à cause de manque d\’argent pour aller à l\’hopital.

    Nous vous prions de nous aider , pour voir dans quelle mesure les congolais peuvent être soulager dans leurs souffrances.


  30. Hello,
    Thank you for the information
    Ive just completed my Bachelors Degree in Nursing and Midwifery and would like to study further through Endeavour Scholarships. May i have full details on the following program-mes
    1. Masters in Public Health
    2. Masters in Community Midwifery
    Am interested to pursue studies in one of these program-mes. Please email me the full details on the program-mes stated above, application forms and any relevant information i need to know.
    Your consideration will be highly appreciated.
    Thokozile Grace Thom
    Lilongwe, Malawi.

  31. I am very interested in this scholarship program to study in Australia for my Master degree, in the field of envelopment Economics as my Country really need development economics to different infrustructure it through to the Government to make policy to tackle most of the social phenomena affecting the daily life of the population both in the rural and urban centers nationwide.
    I would be very grateful if this scholarship somehow sponsor me to do my Master in Australia

  32. Hello,
    I currently have Diploma in Teaching Primary but wants to further bachelor\’s through these scholarship program.
    Send me the forms soon for 2018 -2019 entries.
    Appreciate this,
    Giamec Kauwa PNG

  33. Thank you for this very important message. I am a former journalist in Burundi who fled to Uganda with my family(2daugthers and wife) because of the 2015 civil war in Bujumbura. I wish to do Masters in investigative journalism or Doctorate(if possible) in sociology of communication or other things related to journalism . Please, give details because I am doing nothing in Uganda except teaching French at Bugema University as part-time lecturer with a semester contract.

    Best regards
    Elidad KABURA
    Burundian journalist in exile,uganda

  34. Good morning and thank you very much for posting information on Endouvar scholarships information through my email. Please email me full details of the course program on
    1. Masters in Vocational Education Training
    2. Bachelor in Vocational Education Training.
    3. Masters in Research for Vocational Education Training

    I am a senior instructor in Vocational Education Training in Papua New Guinea with Bachelors Degree in Technical Vocational Education Training.
    I am interested to pursue studies on this program VET in Masters level.
    Please email me the full details, application form and any relevant information I should know.
    Thank you for your support.
    Kind regards
    Morean Simeon
    Papua New Guinea.

  35. These offers are really exceptional. Thanks!
    1) I have already a PhD. What I need is the money to make the researches and the publications at national or international level. Is this possible.
    2) Can I transfer this message to students who would like to earn their masters degree?

    Thank you for considering my questions .


  36. I need money to complete my first degree education online if your institution can help in this direction.
    Wiliam S. Jah

  37. HI

    I am very interested in this scholarship program to develop my knowledge
    I would be very grateful if I succeeded in this donation,

    I hope you accept my request

  38. My name is Niguse Gedamu Bichawond from Ethiopia and currently working at PATH with a job title of Program officer (Malaria surveillance officer) .Currently I am a holder of Master of Public Health (MPH) earned from Gondar University in Ethiopia on April 9,2016 .I now have a very great interest in doing my PhD in public health areas or Epidemiology in Australia to make successful changes in my life and also hope to put great impact in my family and people from my country or abroad.
    Hence, I am kindly requesting should you could grant me a fully funded scholarship to study (do my PhD in Public health areas or Epidemiology) in Australia with $140,500 grant.

    I thank you in advance for your prompt response.

    With best and Kind Regards

    Niguse Gedamu

    Cell Phone: +251 918806118
    Email: [email protected]
    Gondar, Ethiopia

  39. I am very interested in this scholarship program to study in Australia for my Master degree, in the field of social research as my Country really need social researchers to provide reliable and accurate data for the department to to push it through to the Government to make policy to tackle most of the social phenomena affecting the daily life of the population both in the rural and urban centers nationwide.
    I would be very grateful if this scholarship somehow sponsor me to do my Master in Australia.

  40. Am Eyanae lokurungo simon residents of Kenya interested in studying in Kenya in thika school of medical and health sciences certificate in nutrition and dietetics need schoolship in your organization if not please connect with someone who wish to sponsor me am an orphan boy i was left by all of parents, please consider me.

  41. I wish to get UK Scholarships, or Coventry University Scholarships for 2018-2019 session.I’m interested please inform us when the applications are open

  42. Hi,
    I am currently doing a master of educational leadership at the Divine Word University in Papua New Guinea. I anticipate to graduate in March next year (2018) and I hope to continue on to doing my PhD study in education. Hence, I hereby wish to request if possible you could kindly sent me a PhD application and an Endeavor scholarship application forms.
    Thank you and I look forward to your response soon.

    Moses Bakura

  43. My nam is Ayyoub Es-simou Iam from Morocco I study English literature in the University Ian 23 years old Iam so sad because my family so poor we just get money to eat I want you to help me My brother is a driver man he likes to drive and I want to buy him a truck You know that I am not a lier and you trust me I will to surprise my brother Please help me i know that you have money If you can\’t look for a benefactor for me that he can give us some money i know and that you know some benefactors I swear to you that I am not a lier All my family are sad Because my brother shared with my uncle in a truck but he betrayed him and joined with another person Please help me
    Really I need money
    This my email
    [email protected]
    Sincerely Ayyoub

  44. Hello! Thanks for the offer. I am stephen Neh Ja kai from Myanmar. And, I am a student and a christian minister as well. I completed a master in theology from India. I grew up from a humble place and from a humble family. I have a responsiblity to upgrade my family and the people around my me holistically. Therefore please help me to study in Aaustrali by your support, through your help I believe the Lord will capable me to reach out the needy groups of people around.
    Thank you very much!

  45. I majored in social work with political science from the University of Ghana. I would be extremely excited if funded to study a masters program in the social sciences in your institution. Thank you!!

  46. My name is habtemichael chakilu from ETHIOPIA .I have B.SC Degree in electrical and computer engineering please help me by any means to get schoolarship proceses!

  47. We are the previously disadvantaged intending to Build Students Accommodation looking for Sponsorship /Funding for more info contact me at :0835319521

  48. Solomon Bekele says I want to say thanks a lot for organizations who give such chances for students . Next I am very interested and really appreciate people who were engaged in over all management of the scholarship businesses and i have strong desire and enthusiasm to learn in Lovely land Australia……
    Whoever thinks positive for others will get blessed and positive thinking and sharing love to others are expected from people………

  49. Hi,
    I\’m kindly asking you to please notify me when the time comes for new applicant to apply.
    Thank you very much.

  50. Hi,
    I\’m please asking on you to please notify me when the reaches for new applicant to apply.
    Thank you very much.

  51. hi……i have done my bachelor degree in medicine now I want to join master degree from Australia……i am from Pakistan……i hav nt seen Pakistan in the list……

  52. My name is Mudarikwa Jevas , l am looking for a full scholarship to study masters in Economics. i have an Honours degree in Economis. i am a Zimbabwean and Currently l am staying in Zimbabwe. Contact me on +263 775171328

  53. I am interested to join University in Australia.I hav\’t got application form. I need help, please send it to me. Thanks!

  54. MEKONNEN BEKELE from Ethiopia searching for postgraduate in Development studies or civil engineering and highway management to develope my career .

  55. Hi,i am Thembeka Seme from South Africa.i have a bachelors degree in music ill like to be part of the Variou Uninersity of Australia.

  56. Thanks for the generous heart towards third world countries and would like to be alerted when next intake opens please that is my dream. Thanks for the kind heart

  57. I am a research assistant at the college of Business and Economics- Halhale. I studied Economics and Literature for my first degrees. and now I\’m studying philosophy at the Open University. now I\’m looking for a research masters program in your universities.

  58. I would be very pleased to have my masters in Australia indeed.I am Eritrean i wish it will be sooner so that with having improved profession i would be able to contribute in keeping our planet safe!!

  59. It sounds really interesting.
    I would really appreciate if im give that rare opportunity.
    Thanks so much for initiating such program and aiding disadvantaged ones.

    John Joshia ( Papua New Guinea)

  60. I am Whittington NL Kwiti Jr. From West Africa, Liberia. Have desire of benefiting from the Endeavor scholarship and fellowship program.Please let me know as soon the Date of the application begin.
    Hope my response meet you in a good faith.
    Kind regards.
    Whittington NL Kwiti Jr.

  61. God bless the Australian Government for a forum like to help and assist many in their educational carriers. I will be happy if I am informed when admission is open so that I can apply.

  62. Thank you for your chance in considering me. I would advance my knowledge alot on business finance and accounting once you give me a chance to be one of your scholar. Am passionate in this…

  63. Hi! Thanks for the info…Please help me avail the scholarship, im willing to apply and study in Australia..

  64. kindly am a kenyan who is interested in studying in austraria,can i access tha suport plice

  65. Hi I am Catherine from PNG. I \’ve done my certificate 111 in Early Childhood Education and care and desperately needs directions to seek sponsorship to do my diploma and further.
    Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

  66. I am really interested in scholarship that is offer in Aviation Management and Technology, please notify me if there is an opening.

  67. l am Mohammed Hamid from Sudan l have Sudanese secondary school certificate and English language diploma and basic skills computer all from UNESCO organization l would like to complete my education with you please help me thanks.

  68. I will be very grateful if given 100% scholarship to study masters in Australia, may I be the first to get first – serve student. I am Zambia and live in Zambia.

  69. I really love to be part of this golden opportunity inorder to further my education. if forms are available pls I really wish I can recive any information by mail. thanks very much

  70. Hi. My name is Salome, and I will be grateful if you can grant me a scholarship to study in your country. I have always dream of studying a Bsc in Nursing my whole life and I will be grateful if you can make my dream come true please be kind enough to inform me when the application is open. Thanks

  71. Hi I\’m from Africa (Liberia ) and I want to study theology I\’m qualified to apply for the scholarship

  72. I am from Bhutan and very much interested to study in various University of Australia. I need proper guidance from this website, please.

  73. I am Mathias William from Tanzania, I would like to study master in Australia to fulfill my vision. Can I have a chance in Community Development or Leadership and Management? Please inform me when applications are to be made. I am waiting to here from you.

  74. Hi, I am interested because I had a dream of studying in Australia. I am from Kenya studying Civil Aviation. Can I secure a chance in aviation more particularly Pilot training? Please helb and kindly inform me when applications are to be made. I will be glad for your consideration. Good day.

  75. I\’m very interested! I did tried 2 times in my life to apply for Australian scholarship long time ago but I didn\’t make it unfortunately. I was upset & mad & I never tried it again till now.
    I hope all goes well & this time, I will be selected so I can be able to fulfill my dreams & live my future that I always dreamed of.

  76. Am interested and I would love to do my masters in Australia, But unfortunately my country is not listed in the participating countries. Please would you allow a Malawian to study in your university?? I really need this opportunity please.

  77. im so interested to study in Australia!!
    please inform me when applications form is available and please send me responsible adress!!!! thanks

  78. I would really like to study in Australia and it has always been my dream to get a scholarship since I can not manage on my own to pay for my school fees.
    Please help me and make my dreams come true

    Your consideration and quick reply will be highly appreciated.

  79. I am interested and would like your good office to inform me during the application time..
    Thankx in advance.

  80. Good morning, my name is Tuhirwe James From Uganda, I would like to have masters scholarships in Procurement and supplies management, but i don\’t know the procedures that would help me in applying and win that scholarships in your institution. i will be very happy if you consider me and i win that scholarships because I and my family we failed to raise money for my masters, so since there is this opportunity for scholarships, i would like to welcome it in my life. Thank you very much.

  81. Me and my twin Dineo we are interested in studying masters in Australia. Can we have the application forms please

  82. Ah! Extrimily happy about this information, please i would like to sudy my master degree in Australia if am given this unforgetable opportunity

  83. am much interested.please in form when opened for the.2018…I will be really great….am begging you plz…..am from Kenyan and dream has been to study in Australia

  84. Am interested. I have a master of Ministry degree from Newburgh seminary, Indiana USA. Am now interested in doing a Doctoral degree in Ministry. Please inform me when forms are available. Henry.

  85. This is a great opportunity for me and will be greatful if I get this scholarship because I really need to study further

  86. From The Gambia, West Africa,, I have keen interest in scholarship package to study International Travel and Hotel Management to Bachelors Degree..

  87. i want to study in Australia and i wwould like research for both nation Pakistan and Australia so please give me one chance

  88. I am from Papua New Guinea, one of the country in South Pacific,
    I study Bachelor in Business Accountancy, i really used to have this dream of studying in Australia since child hood, but unfortunately i never had a chance, due to financial problems…
    Please let me know when the applications is open…

  89. Hello, I would also like to be part of any Australian university as a Ugandan, and would be so appreciative for your positive response towards my request as a young dreamer who needs to achieve her long time goals, thank you so much………..

  90. why do African countries not eligible?
    will be glad to do masters degree in marine and maritime engineering.

  91. Am very interested to apply.Please do sent me an application form for Vocational Education and training (VET) Scholarship.


  92. It is interesting. If there is a room for those not mentioned in the list ,please inform to availe what is needed from me.

  93. HI, having read through the message here, i am enthusiastic to study in Australia for my Master degree programme again after failed attempt in the past. Kindly put me through on how to apply, and as a Nigerian, can i apply?. Please i need you reply.Thanks.

  94. I thank you all heartedly for the opportunities to lighten the world.Iam byarugaba joshua from Uganda .I have a diploma in civil engineeringI wish to upgrade to bachelor\’s but Iam limited by funds .any opportunity I will be greatful .be blessed

  95. If I will get this chance my and my families history will be changed, I want to learn my PhD in any Psychology area… let me know when the application begins …

  96. What about african students. For example I am an ethipian student and I want this scholarship in order to upgrade my educational level

  97. i am from vanuatu one the country in the south pacific, i study bachalor of science in biology so please inform me when the application is open

  98. am a Zambian living in Zambia and would like any opportunity to do MBA.am currently a masters degree holder in economics ,I want to widen my career prospects\’for any more details connect me on the email below or mobile +260977943445

  99. Please, I\’m very much interested in your university, and will want to study there. So, please kindly inform me when you start admissions

  100. I\’m really interested, please inform me when application begins. . It\’s is my dream to study in Australia,

  101. I am very glad to receive this scholarship information from you. Could you please kindly help me understand what I need to do to win a scholarship to a University in Australia! I hold a bachelor\’s degree in Development Studies from a Ugandan University.

  102. This is a wonderful program that assist the less previlege to have to quality education more so, I am from Nigeria in Africa and I am interested in the scholarship scheme.

  103. I am interested , but I would like to know more about if this is the real offer. help me to study my parents can,t afford and I want my future to be bright.

  104. I\’m really interested and,I wish I could be one of who you gona make the chance for me to have my studies with you in australia,I want to become an australian employees as well….thanks

  105. Hi, I\’m interested to study in Australia.Could you please update me the application time for applying.
    Thanks a lot.

  106. Can this bursary assist me?I am a South African,doing Grade 9 in USA in a Christian school.Our year will start on August,so I I\’ll be doing Grade 10 .Can I qualify?

  107. i have the passion to study in Australia.Iwill be so glad if you give me the scholarship opportunity to study in Astralia

  108. I would like to study masters degree in developental studies. Please inform me the application period is ready.

  109. I am interested. I would like to pursue a Masters in Australia. I have a bachelor of science in agriculture.

  110. Hello, Am interested please email to me updates of any available scholarships for periods between 2019-2020 onwards thank you so much


  112. Am an African girl, a Nigeria citizen study economic from Ogun state university. As an African girl who is wish to proceed on her master education, i will be grateful if my continent is allow to take part.

  113. I am rely glad to apply for the above scholarship Program.I shall be grateful if I am granted the opportunity to study abroad.

  114. Please, do advice. I\’m also will need financial assistance.
    Pleased do direct me to any charity organization

  115. I would like to find out whether Australia has a university that offer taught programme for MSc Finance and Investment for academic 2018.

  116. The description is very clear. I am real interested in the programs, please do let me know once the opportunities are open.

  117. Like Everyone I work in company. That’s why I am busy as usual have no time to go market. But I need to collect or buy my daily accessories. I am searching for shopping website and I found shoppingmallus.com . I explore shopping website and collect my goods that I need. Now I can collect my goods and manage my time.

  118. Please provide detail information on the status of the scholarship; starting date, application form, and date of submission.

  119. I do wish to study at Australia thing is I\’m still undergraduate and this is my first year in Biochemistry and Microbiology. But if not for that this i would love to study there

  120. Am from Uganda and I don\’t see it mentioned among the eligible beneficiaries. Am a bachelor of community psychology graduate with a second upper class at Makerere university. Thanks

  121. Hi, i am actualy interested and i would like to be among those studends who will be selected for 2018, kindly inform me when application is open. This is one of the golden chance i would not like to miss.

  122. I m interested please let me know when the application is ready for phd in international relations

  123. How\’re you all, I\’m so interested in you kind of scholarship, I had a dream to study in Australia for master degree but after reading an instructions I feel disappointed, please would you allow a Tanzanian one to study in your university? please!

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