
Single Mother Grants

While you might have a difficult time locating college scholarship and grants especially for single moms, single mothers still have an abundance of choices as it’ll come to paying for online universities. College scholarship and grants include need-based scholarships which come from various money sources, from non-profit and corporate organizations to federal programs, and they don’t need to be paid back. Scholarships and grants for low-income households, women, and returning and adult students attending online colleges, all are made to assist in overcoming challenges which most single moms face. If you’re a single mom, you might be eligible for different types of grant, depending upon your situation.

Kinds of Single Mom Grants

Education Support Award

Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation will award $3,000 grants to low-income moms who pursue a skills training plan, associate or vocational, online degree, or doctoral degree, master’s, or first bachelor’s degree.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

This grant is a federal grant given to a low-income undergraduate student who attends online colleges that has “exceptional need” for educational financial help (i.e. the ones who have the lowest EFCs, or Expected Family Contributions, and who also are recipients of Federal Pell Grant). Awards that range between $100 to $4,000 per year.

Federal Pell Grant Program

Even though not just for single moms, Federal Pell Grants help the educational financial necessities of low-income undergraduate and specific post-baccalaureate students who attend online colleges. Quantities may go up to $5,550 that depend on financial necessity, prices to go to online universities, and student status (that is, part-time or full-time).

CalGrant Program

The CalGrant Program of California is a state program which offers financial help to low-income and disadvantaged people who attend online universities–and take family status into account. Awards of around $12,192 are offered to the ones who attend online degree programs to assist in paying for online degree costs at all qualifying California colleges, universities, or career/technical schools.

Women’s Opportunity Award – Soroptimist International of Washington, DC

With a goal to improve the lives of girls and women, Soroptimist provides a monetary award which has the mission to support training or education attainment. The award of $2,000 is targeted to females wanting to make a positive impact on the world and community, and who are operating to better their lives with the use of further training and education.

Women’s Opportunity Award

Women’s Opportunity Award will seek to financially help women who are primary wage earners for a family and are returning to or entering an undergraduate degree or skills/vocational program that improves their prospects of employment. Awards will amount to $2,000.

  1. hi, my names are jowhar mohamud abdi leaving in Kenya, i want to pursue and continue my education to degree level, i came from disadvantage family and am an orphan , i couldn\’t even afford college level but because of my mum , i did my diploma, please help me know , as am willing to do community development and social work to help vulnerable communities, thanks in advance

  2. hello am winston first year student studying acca in cameroon my caretakeer abandon me and my education has just stop so i just need a little suport to give me just one steep in my career .thanks as i wait on you

  3. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $50,000 MONTHLY for a maximum of 12 MONTHS. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
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    out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
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    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from Georg Bednorz Hackers today! Just send an email
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  4. I am happy to have got on people like you, I am Mariam Kirabo from Uganda, currently pursuing a Certificate in General nursing but my Mum says she cannot afford paying for my studies, im completing in November this year I humbly need your help so that I complete my Nursing course. my mother is a single mother who has been paying my fees but I fear she is infected with HIV I don\’t know how long she can survive but Im begging you to include me on those who will be offered full scholarships, so that I continue with my studies.

  5. I really need the funding..I\’m coming from a poor family n I\’ll be the first one to go to college

  6. I am willy, an indonesia citizen. Staying in eastern part of indonesia, ntt. Where my area is always far behind others in education sector. I am looking for sponsorship for my daughter education. Now she is studying at Undana university. To hard for my family pay school fee ,daily life needed, and renting room for her. I do hope my daughter success in studying and have her own bright future. Help me please. Thank you for your attention.

  7. Hy.Iam MUT student .iam doing agriculture plant production ND. I do not have money to pay for my fees.my mother is not working.all iam asking if you can assist me with a bursary.

  8. Hi,
    I graduated from the of Ahmadu Dello University, Kaduna State-Nigeria, 2012, with BSc in International Relations. Since then, I have no further support to continue my education because my father got paralyzed and have had no sustainable job back home, Liberia.
    Will you please help me get scholarship to further my education?

    • Hello,

      We do not have the authority to offer scholarships. Yet, what we know is that, in order to qualify for a single mother grant, you will need to verify that you are a single parent. You may also need to document your income and financial need by filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), particularly if you want to applying for a government-funded scholarship or grant.

  9. praise be to the name of the living God.. am mulondo john from makerere university a student of theology,,i kindly request for a scholarship to do a masters degree in theology..am on [email protected] or call me on +256700152340

  10. hello i am neetesh
    my all education expenditures are paid by my father’s income and now it is very difficult for my father to handle my expenditures
    therefore i request you please help me assist me financially
    my cell no 03313597745

  11. Thanks for this amazing offer,am wondering are there any scholarship for such women within the country to be specific Kenya?

  12. This is a humble request for funding Masters Studies. I am a Kenyan Citizen, a Civil Engineer. I am resident in Kenya. I have received an unconditional offer for a Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM) at the University of Queensland, Australia. The Program,18 Month-long, will commence in February, 2017. Funding requirement for One year is Tuition Fees AUD$33280, Living Expenses AUD$18610 and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) AUD$946 giving a yearly total of AUD$52836. Total cost of the Programme is estimated at AUD$92645 by International WaterCentre (IWC) which has awarded me AUD$7000 partial Tuition Scholarship and AUD$2500 Airfare to Brisbane, Australia. Offer package attached. Thank you.
    Kind regards,

    Misheck M. Munyi

  13. I appreciate your service. I really want to have my Doctorate Degree done with a view to getting the prisoners out of their predicament. Please, how could u be of help

  14. I am a single mother and have been working as registered nurse for more than ten years now but because I need think of my children first ,I am would not afford for my own fees. I really need that grant to help me.

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